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Lavash oven, equipment for lavash PHEL-5

Предыдущее объявление Следующее объявление
Москва / Россия

Цена: 4 000 €

Furnace for lavash PKHEL-5
Short description:
Functions: semi-automatic production of thin lavash.
How it works: The baker places the rolled pieces of dough on a massive rotating surface.
Passing under the block of heaters, lavash is completely baked in one revolution of the hearth disc.

Products: ready-made thin Armenian lavash of the highest quality.
Productivity: up to 300-400 lavash per hour.
Baking time: 20-30 seconds.
Round hearth diameter: 2000 mm.
Overall dimensions of the furnace: 2200x1200 mm.

Work description:
The oven for lavash provides the ability to smoothly adjust the heating temperature and rotation speed of the baking disc.
By changing these modes, they achieve maximum uniformity and speed of lavash baking.
After passing one circle, the lavash blanks penetrate with powerful heating and are completely baked.
after 20-30 seconds. The required temperature regime is created by special heating elements (ordinary heating elements are not suitable for this, they dry lavash, and are not baked).
After the finished lavash comes out of the heating chamber, the baker removes them from the surface and puts them in a pile.

Manufacturer: SpetsHlebmash Company, Novosibirsk, www.int.nsk.su
8 (383) 207-53-77, 8-913-958-91-48 Wots-App, 8 (913) 019-47-77, [email protected]
Detailed information can be found on our website www.int.nsk.su/lavash.php
Contact us! An experienced specialist will answer your questions in detail.

Телефон: 74956498357

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