Цена: 1 000 $ Торг возможен
We are a highly experienced team of attorneys. Our office is located in the centre of Kiev. We offer a legal support to domestic and international clients 24 hours a day. We don't speak, we do, we don't promise, we fulfil. We dont't have any barriers and challenges, that we can't overcome. We guarantee you high-quality service, faithfully performing our obligations, quickness and individual approach to every customer.
We are able to offer you:
- preparation and submission of requests, explanations, letters, complaints, procedural documents;
- representation of your interests in organs of state and private companies;
- participation in the trial.
Areas of law:
- criminal law (legal support during the pre-trial investigation and court proceedings, protection of the suspect, accused, representation of the interests of victims, involvement of an attorney during the interrogation of witnesses, analyze criminal legal risks etc.);
- probate law (testamentary probate, intestate proceedings etc.);
- law of domestical relations (divorce, alimony, adoption etc.);
- immigration (work permit etc.);
- сustoms law;
- вanking law;
- tax.
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